English Christian Song | “All Mankind Should Worship God”

True belief in God is not about salvation,
or being a good person,
or just gaining a human likeness.
It’s more than faith that God exists.
It’s more than knowing that God is
the truth, the way, and the life,
and nothing more.

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God Blesses Those Who Are Honest (With Lyrics)

When you give your heart to God alone and you don’t play false to Him,
when you never do what would deceive
those above you or below,
when you’re open with God in all things,
when you don’t do things simply to win the favor and smile of God,
this is being honest.
Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed,
when you cheat not God nor people.
Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed,
when you cheat not God nor people.
This is honesty, oh, this is honesty.

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2020 Chinese Christian Song “God’s Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth” (English Subtitles)

God’s Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth

God’s words are the forever unchanging truth. God is the supply of life for man
and the only guide for mankind.
The worth and meaning of God’s words
are not determined by whether they are recognized or accepted by mankind,
but by the substance of the words themselves.
Even if not a single person on this earth can receive God’s words,
the value of His words and their help to mankind
are inestimable to any man.

Continue reading “2020 Chinese Christian Song “God’s Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth” (English Subtitles)”

2020 Christian Music Video “Dictums of the Faith in God” (Chinese Worship Song)

Dictums of the Faith in God
The most elementary basis of the faith in God
is reading the words of God each day.
The daily curriculum of the faith in God
is diligent prayer to God and reflection upon oneself.
The chief focus of the faith in God is
practicing the truth and having principles to your actions.
The conscience that you must have in the faith in God is
loyally performing your duty and completing God’s commission.
Only loving God is the true faith in God.
Those who love God are most honest and noble.
If you love God and expend yourself for God,
you shall never feel regret.
Only those who truly love God can exalt God and testify to Him.
Nothing is more blessed than the love of God,
nothing has more meaning.

Continue reading “2020 Christian Music Video “Dictums of the Faith in God” (Chinese Worship Song)”

“We Can’t Stop Singing Songs of Love for God” (Music Video)

We can’t stop singing songs of love for God.
The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.
The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

Verse 1
We sing of God’s incarnation.
We’re raised before His throne,
and no longer look to heaven, longing.
Almighty God’s face to face with us.
He shepherds us with truths, by our sides, true and real.
We enjoy His words each day.
Understanding truth feels so sweet.

Our heart is full of love for God,
for we see His lovely countenance.
We sing and dance in praise,
no words to describe His loveliness.

We can’t stop singing songs of love for God.
The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.
The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

Verse 2
We sing of God’s righteous judgment.
His words cleanse and save us,
revealing man’s satanic nature and truth of man’s corruption.
His words purify our satanic dispositions,
making us new people.
We’ve cast off forces of Satan. We see God’s love is true.
His righteousness is lovely, His holiness so sweet.
We cannot love Him enough.

So we praise God; we can’t contain our feelings.
Nothing can come between us and God.

We can’t stop singing songs of love for God.
The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.
The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

Verse 3
God’s word rules in the life of the kingdom.
We live within the light.
Gaining truth has set us free.
We worship God with heart, with honesty.
We’ve become His intimates, faithfully serving Him.

We bear a burden for Him, fulfill our duties truly,
always progressing on the path of loving God.

Now we can love and submit to God,
living for Him, this is the greatest joy.
Almighty God, we praise You!
We’ll worship You into eternity!

We can’t stop singing songs of love for God.
The more we sing, the sweeter the feeling.
The more that we sing for God, the more that we love Him!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

English devotional songs here will enrich your spiritual life and touch your heart.