Notions Keep You From Welcoming Jesus’ Return

By Sun Nan

We all know that it is now near the end of the last days. The prophecies in the Bible have basically been fulfilled. It is time for the Lord to return, and the Lord must have returned. So, we must find a church that has the work of the Holy Spirit and follow God’s footsteps. Some people, however, dare not go out seeking and investigating, thinking that there would be false Christs in the last days. For the Lord Jesus said: “And then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ; or, see, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect” (Mark 13:21–22). Many of us believers expound the prophesies according to our notions and imagination, thinking that all news preaching the Lord has returned is false. As long as we don’t listen or read, we’ll not be deceived. But, is this really after the Lord’s will? If we always keep to such notions, being passive and guarding against all the news, will we ignore someone who says that the Lord has returned and miss the opportunity of being raptured into the kingdom of heaven?

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