The reappearance of the super blood moon in 2021 suggests that the great and terrible day of Jehovah is approaching. What can we do for the sake of our destination? Wait? Or …?

The rare astronomical phenomenon known as a blood moon has appeared many times. Meanwhile, the pandemic, earthquakes, famines and other disasters are worse than ever before. Bible prophecies of the last days have basically been fulfilled. The great and terrible day of Jehovah is approaching. Despite the panic, these facts are conveying a piece of good news: Our long-awaited Lord Jesus has come back. Every Christian who has got this news, we want to say: Regardless of whether you believe it, please spare 5 minutes to read this article, and you will surely find the way to welcome the Lord and get the chance to receive Him in 2021.

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» 6 Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

What Attitude Do We Hold Toward Prophecies of Jesus’ Return?

Every Christian wants to welcome the Lord’s return and be raptured into the heavenly kingdom; I’m not an exception. I paid special attention to the prophecies about the Lord’s return. As long as I heard who could interpret the biblical prophecies, I would hurry to listen. But as I gradually received many interpretations of prophecies, I became increasingly confused about them, because they were all explained according to their literal meaning and different people had different explanations of them. Take interpreting prophecies about the Lord’s return for example. Some people said the Lord would descend on the Mount of Olives, some said in the air, some said upon a cloud, some said He would come in the daytime, some said at night, some said He would come like a thief, and so forth. Though all these interpretations were based on the Bible, yet no matter what I was told about, I still didn’t know how the Lord would return. Then how should I treat the biblical prophecies in accordance with the Lord’s will? And in what way could I welcome the Lord? They were the confusion in my mind.

Continue reading “What Attitude Do We Hold Toward Prophecies of Jesus’ Return?”

What Do Overcomers of Bible Prophecy Refer to?

By Zhicheng

Each and every believer in the Lord wants to be a person after the Lord’s heart, wants to be an overcomer, one of the 144,000 victorious male-children. Speaking of the overcomers, some brothers and sisters would say: As long as we keep the Lord’s name, labor in work for Him, and stand testimony for Him in all kinds of persecutions and tribulations, we’ll be the overcomers and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns. Are these views right? What do the 144,000 victorious male-children,namely the 144,000 overcomers really refer to?

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Where Is Our Refuge From the Widespread Terror Attacks?

Xiao Yang

Following the Manchester Arena bombing on May 22 which killed 22 people, another terror attack took place at London Bridge and Borough Market at around 10 P.M. Saturday. A white van veered on and off the bridge sidewalk, running over pedestrians, and then three men jumped out of the vehicle and stabbed patrons indiscriminately at the bars and restaurants of Borough Market. 8 people were killed and 48 others injured at the scene.

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How Will the Lord Return in the Last Days?

By Wu Wen, Italy

Many brothers and sisters in the Lord eagerly wait for the Lord to return and think that the Lord will come in His resurrected spiritual body descending with the clouds. Because the Bible says, “You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven” (Act 1:11), “Behold, He comes with clouds” (Rev 1:7). Most people wait for the Lord to suddenly descend with the clouds one day. For thousands of years, Christians have longed for it so.

Continue reading “How Will the Lord Return in the Last Days?”

The Mystery of Resurrection of the Dead

By Li Cheng

Today I will fellowship the truth of resurrection of the dead with you. Let us read the Bible first. Ezekiel 37:5-6 records, “Thus said the Lord Jehovah to these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live: And I will lay sinews on you, and will bring up flesh on you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am Jehovah.” The Lord Jesus said, “And this is the Father’s will which has sent me, that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day” (John 6:39). And 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” There are many other verses in the Bible about resurrection of the dead, yet here we won’t study them one by one.

Continue reading “The Mystery of Resurrection of the Dead”

What “Midnight” in Bible Prophecy Refers to?

By Wu Meng

One summer evening, the weather was sweltering. People sat at the benches in the park to enjoy the cool air under the trees. Lisa was strolling in the park alone, she raised her head and looked up at the sky for a while, and then looked down to think, with a face full of worry.

Continue reading “What “Midnight” in Bible Prophecy Refers to?”

7 Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

Now, it is the end of the last days. Many brothers and sisters, who truly believe in the Lord and wait for Him coming back, must have such questions: The Lord Jesus has said, “And, behold, I come quickly” (Revelation 22:12). He has promised us to return. Has He come back yet? Continue reading “7 Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming of Christ”